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IBM Rational Rose®

Logical data modeling is an essential step in modeling a database. The logical data model gives an overall view of the captured business requirements as they pertain to data entities. You can use Rose for logical data modeling and customize your logical data model to transform to a physical data model .

Using Rose for Logical Data Modeling

The advantages of using Rose and the UML for logical data modeling. These advantages are Rose's ability to graphically depict a logical data model using the class diagram, and Rose's standardized notation and mapping capabilities .

Class Diagram

The class diagram can graphically depict a logical data model because it uses a structure similar to a logical data model. When you create a logical data model, you start by identifying high-level entities. The class diagram also identifies high-level entities. In UML terminology these entities are called classes. Rose allows you to assign the stereotype <<entity>> to these classes for further distinction .

The next step is to assign attributes to these entities to identify them to the system. This is the same step you take when modeling in the class diagram; you assign attributes to the classes .

The final step that both the logical data model and the class diagram share is to relate these entities or classes to other entities or classes using associations .



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