SAMya project

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What Is SAMya?

Samya is a graduation project from Zagazig University (Faculty of Engineeing) for eng: Mohammed El-Qadi, which aims to devlope an Oracle application (Database and interface) for Zagazig University Hospitals Main inventories and pharmacies.

For the name: First part “SAM” comes from Sam's rockets, which tracks and eliminate warplanes, also my software tracks and eliminates pharmacist's problems. The “Y” and “A” comes from pharmacy application.

Note: in this project we point to the role of military thechnology in our civilian life, as we see mobile, helicopter, and more....

Warehouse Management Information System

This is the offical name for the project in industrial engineeing department, which Supervisored By Prof. Dr. : Sameh Ibrahem for year 2006.

Zagazig University Hospitals ZAGAZIG University Hospitals are one of most important hospitals in Egypt , and As a result of oriented teamwork of qualified and trained staff which had earned reputation and fame in a short span; an ever-increasing flow of patients from various far off places from Egypt . If you want to know more, it is so easy, enter the internet and put these words in any search engine “ ZAGAZIG University Hospitals ” and you will find the result...

PowerDesigner PowerDesigner provides a unique set of enterprise modeling tools that bring together the standard techniques and notations of Business Process Modeling, Data Modeling and UML application modeling with other powerful features to assist you in analyzing, designing, building, and maintaining your applications, using software engineering best practices...

Security The objective of security is to protect the hardware, software, data, and other system resources from unauthorized, illegal, or unwanted access, use, modification, or theft. In a traditional information system constructed around a centralized mainframe the computer and most of its peripherals are locked in a restricted access room. Such lock and key security is not very useful on a modern network, however. The combination of large numbers of users and physically unsecured peripherals, cables, communication lines, and access points make modern network-based systems particularly tempting targets. The Internet complicates the problem...

IBM Rational Rose The advantages of using Rose and the UML for logical data modeling. These advantages are Rose's ability to graphically depict a logical data model using the class diagram, and Rose's standardized notation and mapping capabilities . The class diagram can graphically depict a logical data model because it uses a structure similar to a logical data model. When you create a logical data model, you start by identifying high-level entities. The class diagram also identifies high-level entities. In UML terminology these entities are called classes...

Crystal Reports Dynamic and cascading prompts are now available in Crystal Reports. This new feature allows you to populate prompt values from values in a database. Prompts can be arranged in a cascade, where one value in the prompt constrains values in subsequent pick lists. Report designers no longer need to maintain static prompt lists in individual reports. A single prompt definition can be stored in the repository and shared among multiple reports, improving both runtime scalability and design-time productivity.




  • There is no place for individual work in this world.
  • The professional is not the best person in teamwork, but the one who is able to be harmonious with his teamwork.
  • It all boils down to the fact that the application designers like PowerDesigner and IBM rational rose are very useful for today database and information systems design.

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