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A database is a collection of information preferably related information and preferably organized. A database consists of the physical files you set up on a computer when installing the database software. On the other hand, a database model is more of a concept than a physical object and is used to create the tables in your database. This section examines the database, not the database model.

By definition, a database is a structured object. It can be a pile of papers, but most likely in the modern world it exists on a computer system. That structured object consists of data and metadata, with metadata being the structured part. Data in a database is the actual stored descriptive information, such as all the names and addresses of your customers. Metadata describes the structure applied by the database to the customer data. In other words, the metadata is the customer table definition. The customer table definition contains the fields for the names and addresses, the lengths of each of those fields, and data types. (A data type restricts values in fields, such as allowing only a date, or a number). Metadata applies structure and organization to raw data.

There are numerous, precise explanations as to what exactly a database model or data model is. A database model can be loosely used to describe an organized and ordered set of information stored on a computer. This ordered set of data is often structured using a data modeling solution in such a way as to make the retrieval of and changes to that data more efficient. Depending on the type of applications using the database, the database structure can be modified to allow for efficient changes to that data. It is appropriate to discover how different database modeling techniques have developed over the past 50 years to accommodate efficiency, in terms of both data retrieval and data changes. Before examining database modeling and its evolution, a brief look at applications is important.

Database Model Types

File Systems

Using a file system database model implies that no modeling techniques are applied and that the database is stored in flat files in a file system, utilizing the structure of the operating system alone. The term “flat file” is a way of describing a simple text file, containing no structure whatsoever — data is simply dumped in a file.

Hierarchical Database Model

The hierarchical database model is an inverted tree-like structure. The tables of this model take on a child-parent relationship. Each child table has a single parent table, and each parent table can have multiple child tables. Child tables are completely dependent on parent tables; therefore, a child table can exist only if its parent table does. It follows that any entries in child tables can only exist where corresponding parent entries exist in parent tables. The result of this structure is that the hierarchical database model supports one-to-many relationships.

Network Database Model

The network database model is essentially a refinement of the hierarchical database model. The network model allows child tables to have more than one parent, thus creating a networked-like table structure. Multiple parent tables for each child allows for many-to-many relationships, in addition to one-to-many relationships. In an example network database model shown in Figure 1-5, there is a many-to-many relationship between employees and tasks. In other words, an employee can be assigned many tasks, and a task can be assigned to many different employees. Thus, many employees have many tasks, and visa versa.

Relational Database Model

The relational database model improves on the restriction of a hierarchical structure, not completely abandoning the hierarchy of data, as shown in Figure 1-6. Any table can be accessed directly without having to access all parent objects. The trick is to know what to look for — if you want to find the address of a specific employee, you have to know which employee to look for, or you can simply examine all employees. You don't have to search the entire hierarchy, from the company downward, to find a single employee.

The History of the Relational Database Model

The relational database was invented by an IBM researcher named Dr. E. F. Codd, who published a number of papers over a period of time. Other people have enhanced Dr. Codd's original research, bringing the relational database model to where it is today.

Essentially, the relational database model began as a way of getting groups of data from a larger data set. This could be done by removing duplication from the data using a process called normalization. Normalization is composed of a number of steps called normal forms. The result was a general data access language ultimately called the Structured Query Language (SQL) that allowed for queries against organized data structures.

Much of what happened after Dr Codd's initial theoretical papers was vendor development and involved a number of major players. Figure 1-8 shows a number of distinct branches of development.

These branches were DB2 from IBM, Oracle Database from Oracle Corporation, and a multitude of relational databases stemming from Ingress (which was initially conceived by two scientists at Berkeley ). The more minor relational database engines such as dBase, MS-Access, and Paradox tended to cater to single-user, small-scale environments, and often included free front-end application development kits.


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