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Analysis And Modeling

Sybase® PowerDesigner®

PowerDesigner provides a unique set of enterprise modeling tools that bring together the standard techniques and notations of Business Process Modeling, Data Modeling and UML application modeling with other powerful features to assist you in analyzing, designing, building, and maintaining your applications, using software engineering best practices.

The PowerDesigner enterprise modeling solution enables you to closely integrate the design and maintenance of your application's core data layers with your project requirements, business processes, OO code, XML vocabularies, and database replication information. By providing you with a comprehensive set of models at all levels of abstraction, PowerDesigner helps you broaden the reach of your iterative design process to all aspects of your system architecture, from conception to deployment, and beyond...

IBM Rational Rose®

The advantages of using Rose and the UML for logical data modeling. These advantages are Rose's ability to graphically depict a logical data model using the class diagram, and Rose's standardized notation and mapping capabilities ...


Devlopment And Reporting

Oracle Database 10g

Oracle Database 10g is proven to be the fastest database for transaction processing, data warehousing, and third-party applications on servers of all sizes. And it's proven to securely protect data and ensure data access 24x7, reducing the risk of data loss and system downtime, while keeping the cost of computing down. Oracle Database 10g Release 2 continues to focus on delivering an even higher quality of service with:

· Cluster Ready Services Open API for higher application availability and built in clusterware file redundancy to reduce the risk of failure.

· Fully integrated tape backup and recovery solution, offering reliable Oracle database and file system protection utilizing tape devices.

· New Fast-Start Failover for rapid and automatic fail over to standby databases, without requiring any manual intervention.

· Integrated transparent data encryption and key management in the database, helping customers protect sensitive data in an Oracle Database without any changes to their application.

Oracle Developer Suite 10g (Forms & Reports)

To support the transformation of organizations to e-business, software developers are under more pressure than ever to create superb quality, highly scalable applications in record time. And it's an inevitable economic reality that development teams must achieve this performance at the lowest possible cost, despite a steady stream of new technologies and standards to learn. A challenge for development managers and their teams is that multiple tools are necessary to support different development styles depending on application types and end user requirements. Compounding this problem is the need to manage the overall development process and provide collaborative development support over the full applications life cycle. For organizations to survive and thrive in today's rapidly changing and competitive business environment, it is essential that developers work with the most productive tools that simplify development tasks. With Oracle Developer Suite 10g, Oracle offers a complete, integrated, cost-effective application development solution optimized to meet the need of developers to deliver better applications faster and at lower cost.

Crystal Reports

Dynamic and cascading prompts are now available in Crystal Reports. This new feature allows you to populate prompt values from values in a database. Prompts can be arranged in a cascade, where one value in the prompt constrains values in subsequent pick lists. Report designers no longer need to maintain static prompt lists in individual reports. A single prompt definition can be stored in the repository and shared among multiple reports, improving both runtime scalability and design-time productivity...

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